Join the Movement

Hi, I'm Godacious Darvy! A writer, coach & speaker of the 5 I's (Ignite, Impact, Incubate, Influence, and Inspire). I am dedicated to helping you achieve the life you want by letting go, and letting God!

The Godacity Movement


The Godacity movement is passionate about guiding women through the process of Godacity to release limitations that hold them back from recovering from the failed relationships in their lives. We believe the goal for all women is to be healed, healthy and whole as they pursue their life purpose and God-ordained Destiny.


The ultimate intention is to foster a Movement of Godacious Women who have a heightened sense of the importance of letting go and letting God direct their lives. We will accomplish this through communities of Godacity Book Clubs, for healing discussions and book talks, Intimate fellowship in Godacity workshops, therapeutic guidance, and coaching, and the 5 I’s speaking for transformation.

Helping You Create a Life You Love!

Godacity Founder, Darvyaire Turner, has spent nearly 15 years crafting her skillset and learning the lessons necessary to lead a movement that will help women through similar situations and onto the path to their destiny. As a leader in education and an entrepreneur, Darvy has experience teaching, leading and managing teams, guiding and coaching, creating curriculum and lessons, sharing wisdom and life stories, speaking and oration, giving and providing spiritual direction, help, and motivation to countless people in her life.

All of those experiences brought wisdom, spiritual growth, lessons, and blessings that led her to Godacity. She understood the lessons she learned in her life that had a reoccurring theme of needing to let go, and let God. This gave her the gifts she needed to write, publish, and launch Godacity: The Audacity to Let go and Let God. Led by God alone, Darvyaire seeks His will in the ultimate outcome of Godacity, but believes her work with the movement will Ignite, Impact, Incubate, Influence, and Inspire.

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